View Profile Caraboo

Ryan Caraboolad @Caraboo

Age 34, Male


Cleveland, OH

Joined on 3/10/05

Exp Points:
17,830 / 18,660
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Vote Power:
8.17 votes
Sgt. First Class
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Caraboo's News

Posted by Caraboo - November 10th, 2009


This is a map for Seven's Second Adventure to be used with the Official Walkthrough for assistance.


Seven's Second Adventure Map

Posted by Caraboo - October 21st, 2009


This is the medal walkthrough for the game Gretel And Hansel

Official Walkthrough
Video Walkthrough

List of Medals (18 Total):
Baby Steps
Slingshot Breakfast
Bitch Slap
Honey Horror
Sucked Dry
Time Is Running Out
Electra Complex
Gretel Unit
Here Is Mommy!
Kiss That Cyuke
Pecking Order
Pest Removal
The Flamer
Get Stoned
Pop, Rock And Drop It
Grimm Master

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Medal Guide

Baby Steps
- Achieve by clicking Gretel to get out of bed

Slingshot Breakfast
- Achieved by moving right (using right arrow key or D) to climb on to your bed and up to the wall to grab your slingshot after listening to the parents talk. You will automatically pick it up when close enough.

Bitch Slap
- Achieved by shooting the mother on the cart during the cart part.

Honey Horror
- Achieved by walking onto the fallen bee hive after using the broken branch on it.

Sucked Dry
- Achieved by walking into the spider beneath the house.

Time Is Running Out
- Achieved by shooting the clock in your room off the wall and then picking it up.

Electra Complex
- Achieved by shooting the father 3 times during the cart scene.

Gretel Unit
- Achieved by shooting the slingshot 200 times total over any number of games.

Here Is Mommy!
- Achieved by using the key found in the clock on the door in your room. Refer to Clockspert medal to get the key.

- Achieved by shooting Hansel 7 times with the slingshot in your room.

Kiss That Cyuke
- Achieved by kissing the bunny in the area with the well for roughly 10 seconds. To kiss the bunny get close to it and then click on it to pick it up. Then just wait 10 seconds and you'll get it.

Pecking Order
- Achieved by walking up to the left side of the well and petting the crow after it flies down towards you.

Pest Removal
- Achieved by catching the squirrel in the main area outside the house. Refer to the Official Walkthrough to do this listed under Stone 10 (Squirrel Stone).

The Flamer
- Achieved after lighting the paper on fire inside the house and standing in the flames for 7 seconds.

- Achieved by getting all the pieces to the clock (Clock Face, Big Hand, Little Hand) and setting the clock to 4:30 (Big Hand at 6, Little Hand at 4). Clock Face can be found on the ground in your room after you shoot it of the wall with the slingshot. Big Hand can be found in your room after you kill Hansel. Little Hand can be found by shooting or squishing the butterfly in the area with the well. Click the key to pick it up and use it on the door in your room to achieve the medal "Here Is Mommy!".

Get Stoned
- Achieved by getting all 10 Stones

Pop, Rock And Drop It
- Achieved by dropping all 10 Stones during the cart scene.
TIP: Keep your mouse where the stone icon appears and click whenever it does. If you stay roughly at the same horizontal distance as Hansel you can get it and fall behind with enough time to get back up. For the latter part of the cart scene only shoot the bird after it tries to pick up Hansel, otherwise you're wasting your time.

Grimm Master
- Achieved by sitting through the Credits and Preview for a Sequel. A screen will pop up with 10 icons and all 10 need to flip to achieve this. The deaths are all listed in the Official Walkthrough but here is a simplified list:

1. Killed by Spider (Sucked Dry)
2. Killed by Bees (Honey Horror)
3. Killed by Rabbit (Kiss That Cyuke)
4. Killed by Fire (The Flamer)
5. Killed by Crow (Pecking Order)
6. Kill Hansel (Kain)
7. Get run over by Cart during Cart Scene
8. Kill Father during Cart Scene (Electra Complex)
9. Let Crow kill Hansel during Cart Scene
10. Killed by Mother with Axe (Here Is Mommy!)

Note: The only two extra things you need to do to achieve Grimm Master that are not listed in this Medal Guide are get run over by the Cart and let the Crow kill Hansel during the Cart Scene.

Hope this helped you guys!


Posted by Caraboo - August 2nd, 2009


This petition is aimed towards the exclusion of currently BROKEN, GLITCHED, AND UNACHIEVABLE medals from the medal system on Newgrounds.

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To sign this petition simply make a comment below saying "yes", or "agreed", or something similar to that.
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NOTE: Please do not make any comments on this petition unless you are in some way "signing" it with some sort of agreeance. I also ask that you don't state specific medals or games or problems. PM those to ME please. If anything should be posted that does not abide by these guidelines I will delete your post and inform you that I have done so. Thank you for cooperating.

=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===

Achievements for the xBox 360 don't have errors. They aren't glitched when they get sent through. And when they are, they immediately get fixed! Why should Newgrounds' Medal System be any different? It shouldn't. The authors using the Medal API need to fully test and debug their games before submitting them to The Portal. We should not have to tear our hair out attempting to get a broken medal that is either impossible to get, or requires excessive work to achieve after having already accomplished the author given description for attaining said medal.

The medals for Fear Unlimited Issue 2 (Artist: Dizimz) were revoked after the author couldn't get the medal fixes to work. Other games that have failed to fix their medals should have the medals for that game disabled or at least the specific broken medal(s) removed from the site until the author has fixed it as well.

One game, Seed Of Destruction, has every medal glitched. The controversial Literate/Illiterate medals "One Time" opportunity programming leaked onto the other medals as well, making it impossible to get any of the medals a second time if the first time achieving it failed to register on Newgrounds. This has caused a lot of problems for people who have spazzy internet connections, making it impossible for them to get some of the medals they deserve.


There are some respectful, caring, and goodhearted authors out there applying medals to their games, though. Although sometimes the medals might be glitched or broken, these authors care enough to immediately commence debugging so that their game runs flawlessly and their supporters are happy. These are some examples of authors and their games that had glitches but we're fixed as soon as possible so that the medals work properly:

Skribble-Style - Barbarian Bob [Remake]
GP-studios - Bunny Invasion: Easter
BoMToons - Castle Crashing the Beard
Xeptic - D-Day Defender
NegativeONE - Newgrounds Rumble
Luka - Runes Of Shalak
megadev - Knightfall 2
Kevin - Stamper's Quest For Fags
PrettyMuchBryce - Glass Fish Rhythm
Luis & BoMToons - Portal Defenders
PsyFlash - Revert To Growth
EpicShadow - Tower of Greed


What we want is for the authors of games with currently broken medals to fix them as soon as possible, as the aforementioned artists did, instead of having them ignore our pleas and requests. The following are games, their authors, and their broken medals.

BarfQuestion - Seed Of Destruction
(All medals glitched: Only possible to attain once)
ArtLogicGames - Epic War 3
- 4Musketeer
(All 4 medals currently broken)
- Foreclosure
- Whoops
- Hardclass
- Woots
Pacdude - Drop the Bomb (Medals)
- Someone Set Us Up The Bomb
- Bomb Squad (Glitchy: 10 Bomb Round questions required instead of the 3 Bomb Rounds as stated - DigDogy)
xdragonx10 - Medieval Rampage
(All 9 medals currently glitched but still attainable)
(Any medals already achieved on a computer will automatically be given to any other account logged in on that specific computer as soon as the game begins)
- First Kill
- Tenth Kill
- First Boss
- Second Boss
- Third Boss
- Fourth Boss
- Fifth Boss
- 75 Achievements
- 100 Achievements
aeiowu - Fig. 8
- Professional
Bluebaby - Time Fcuk
(The 3 voting medals are glitched and require an unknown amount for each instead of 3, 33, and 333 as stated in the medal descriptions)
- Opinionated
- Obsessed
- 0)))
xdragonx10 - Medieval Rampage 2
- All Achievements (Unachievable due to glitches with in-game achievements)
Weasel - Hover Bot Arena 2
(Can't see them on page but they are all achievable although sometimes they do not register the first time around)
Dizimz - Fear Unlimited Issue2
- Demon Master (Some people have this but it is unknown how. It's always before the M4 Untouchable medal though)
- Victory
JAZZA - the Kill Kar II: Revenge
- Kustomized


It would also be very strongly appreciated if "RESEND" buttons we're mandatory in all games with medals. matt-likes-swords was the first person to do this to ensure that all medals that were gotten in game could be resent to register if they did not register the first time they were sent. This would prevent the problem of people having to re-achieve medals because of an internet connection problem, a problem with the Newgrounds server, or whatever else may cause a medal to fail registration.

Along with the "RESEND" option, it would also be a good idea to have a mandatory testing stage for all games that wish to be submitted with medals, as well as other testing phases before updates for these games get released as well. The majority of the currently broken medals are due to updates, such as SHIFT 4, Seed Of Destruction, and Runes Of Shalak, however, there are also games that start off with problems with their medals, as you can see in the list of fixed medal games. We could prevent all medal problems by submitting them through a testing stage. A handpicked specialized team of top medal getters would be the perfect way to solve this problem.

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Hey if we get enough signatures we can submit it to PsychoGoldfish or Tom Fulp or whoever to solve the problem, so sign away! It can't hurt, right?

Apr. 3, 2011 | 6:44 PM



Posted by Caraboo - May 28th, 2009

This is my farewell to hardcore medal getting.. I wish I could keep up but unfortunately I just don't have the time I thought I'd have over the summer. So good luck to all my recent competitors, and I hope to see you all again once school starts up in September.

Much love,

p.s. Say bye to me in a comment to make me feel good. :D

UPDATE: I'm back.. but fuck you guys.. only one farewell? Assholes..

im in yo networkz, gettins yur medalz.

Posted by Caraboo - May 13th, 2009

Map Time

A Small Favor Map

Posted by Caraboo - May 11th, 2009


Here are the perfect walkthroughs for the 3 games in Doom Triple Pack

The 3 links below lead to the walkthrough for the first level/hub of each game. When you finish a level, go back to the top, and on the right under either Ultimate Doom/Hexen/Heretic maps go ahead and click the following level to get the next walkthrough.

DOOM: Walkthrough
Find Some Meat - Find the Chainsaw
E1M9 - Find the Secret Military Base level
Where's Episode 2 - Complete Episode 1

HERETIC: Walkthrough
Cockadoodledoo - Turn an Enemy into a Chicken
The Graveyard - Find the Secret Level
Blasphemer - Complete Episode 1

HEXEN: Walkthrough
Master Fighter - Complete the Demo using the Fighter
Master Cleric - Complete the Demo using the Cleric
Master Mage - Complete the Demo using the Mage

NOTE: If you have any questions about this, they will be disregarded... by everyone. Seriously, this is real fuckin simple. Hope you enjoy the quick links.


NOTE: Cheats will void any opportunity of getting medals!

iddqd - God Mode
idclip - Walk Through Walls
idkfa - All Weapons, Armor, Ammo, Items, & Keys
idchev - Choose Level (Add the episode and level #'s at the end of this cheat)

quicken - God Mode
kitty - Walk Through Walls
rambo - All Weapons
ravskel- All Keys
massacre - Kill All Enemies
cockadoodledoo - Chicken Mode

bgokey - God Mode
rjohnson - Walk Through Walls
crhinehart - All Weapons & Armor
mraymondjudy - All Keys
sgurno - Full Health
cstika - Kill All Enemies
plipo<0-2> - Change Class: 0 = Fighter; 1 = Cleric; 2 = Mage.
ebiessman - Pig Mode



Posted by Caraboo - May 7th, 2009


Just because no one else has.. This is a walkthrough for the game: Pico Blast

NOTE: To get all medals you will have to play through the game TWICE! (OH NOES!)

Arrow Keys:
(Left, Right) - Move horizontally
Up - Aim up
Up with Left or Right - Aim diagonally up in that direction
Down: Duck
A - Shoot
S - Jump
Down + S - Power Slide
P - Pause
Q - Change Quality
CHEAT: G - Gives you any weapon you want normal and then with Spread shot

Face - Extra Life
S - Shoots the bullets in a spread.
B - Shoots 2 balls together
M - Missiles that auto-lock any enemy
F - Flamethrower
L - Laser

Kill the black flying balls of doom and pickup and power-ups they drop that you want. Jump up and over the wall and walk right until you get to the..

First Form:
At the start run to one of the sides because his first real attack is a double hammer slam to the middle with both hands. Your basic form of attack is going to be shooting at him directly under his hands. Focus one one hand until it is destroyed then go for the remaining hand.

He has 4 primary attacks: (These names are seriously horrible..)
Hammer- A hand will turn into a hammer and slam down in either the middle on it's side or the outside if it's side.
Laser Beam - One hand will open up to an antenna and go down on it's side and shoots a straight beam from it's side to the other side, covering almost the entire ground area.
Ground Beam - One hand will open up to an antenna and touch the ground on it's side, causing separate bolts to come up from the ground, with space in between them, heading away from the hand they came.
Fat Beam Ball - One hand will open up to an antenna and shoot a fat ass ball across the screen just above the ground.

NOTE: He will also sometimes shoot out the flying black balls that you encounter in the beginning of the game. They come out in groups of 3 or 4 and are harmless in the battle if you kill them quickly.

Avoid the Hammers by moving out of the way. They are fairly simple to avoid; power sliding works well. For the Laser Beams, just run across to the opposite side and wait under the other hand until the beam stops or if you're ballsy just get far enough on the side that it's coming from and you can chill under the hand and shoot it while it does the attack. For the Ground Beam, just wait until the beams get close to you and walk right up to one without touching it and wait for it to pass; you shouldn't get hit if you're in an area between two beams that doesn't get touched by them. For the Fat Beam Ball (still makes me laugh..) just hold down until it passes.

Eventually, once you destroy both his hands, you'll kill him and get to the..


U.F.O. Form:
This asshole is now flying in a space ship. You hurt him by shooting the center of his ship when it is open and green is showing. He'll also start by moving to the side and releasing the ugliest little buggers imaginable at you. It's cool though; they're weak shit. Just shoot at them, pushing them backwards and flipping them in the air and whatnot, and pick up any power-ups they drop.

He has 2 primary attacks:
Ball Thrower - He goes to the middle and shoots some Fat Beam Balls at you. They're really easy to avoid. When they spawn, the pull back a little and tween right to where you were standing.
Double Laser - He'll move to the side and down and start shaking like crazy. Then He shoots out two lasers, each from his sides (angling down at ground obviously) and he tween to the other side, covering the entire playing field.

NOTE: He will usually spit out those quick little buggers one or two more times during the battle; it depends on how long you take to kill him.

For Ball Thrower, a good strategy is to just run from one side of the map to the other, while trying to shoot at his weak spot the whole time. They don't move very fast so you can easily avoid them as long as you don't get stuck in a corner with two flying at you. As for the Double Laser, just get directly under him and when he moves, you move with him shooting up at him the whole time while you're running.

After awhile you'll take him down and get to the...


Tentacled Form:
The train will stop moving, and he's just gonna bomb the shit out of you. Don't worry though, it doesn't hurt at all. Next thing you know, you're falling.. Yay.. WAIT! Oh noes! You don't have your gun! It's falling on the right side of him. Go above him and around him to get your gun and start shooting. In this battle you basically just shoot. You automatically aim left or right depending on which side of him you're on. You move yourself around by using the arrow keys. Keep in mind you are constantly being pulled upward; so you move faster upward than downward.

He has 3 primary attacks:
Darth Maul Wannabe - He starts the battle with this. It's just a thin laser that goes from one end up the screen to the other and it rotates 180 degrees.
Missile Mayhem - He shoots 4 missiles at you that follow you around until you blow them up.
Super Baller - He shoots out 2 waves of a bunch of balls in a circle formation from his body. The first wave moves slowly and the second fast.

NOTE: You hurt him by shooting the red thing on his head.

For the Darth Maul Wannabe attack, just avoid the slowly spinning light saber laser thing by moving in the same direction that it's rotating. For the Super Baller attack, just stand back from him and dodge the balls as they spread out; opening holes for you to slide through. For the Missile Mayhem attack, they spawn in 4 corners of a big invisible box around him, so just stay away from him a little and dodge them as they come at you while you shoot. You should also blow them up as soon as possible.

To beat him just be patient and keep shooting while dodging his attacks. If you can get Missiles with a Spread on them (shoots 3 missiles that auto-lock onto him) you can kill him very fast without taking any damage. If you can get Flamethrower with a Spread on it then just go right up to him and tear him up in a few seconds. You may get hit once, but it really won't matter at that point unless you're already near death on your last life.

After a minute or two he'll be dead and you'll be facing his..


Brain Form:
In this form he just moves around the map randomly.

He has 1 primary attack:
Balls Deep - He never stops going Balls Deep here boys. He just keeps shooting red Fat Beam Balls at you while he slides around.

GOOD NOTE: Power-ups randomly spawn from the bottom middle of the map. :D
BAD NOTE: You only have like 2000 ft to fall before you die.. and it counts down pretty quickly.

Again, if you have Spread on Flamethrower or Missiles that would be fantastic for a quick victory. If not, just avoid him and the balls that tween towards you at spawn, and never stop shooting.

Eventually you kill him and then you..


.. get to choose which medal you want.. YAY! :D

- Wait for the timer to count down to 0 and fall into the lava pit -

- Grab the Tank Man's hand and get flown to safety -

Mission Accomplished


Posted by Caraboo - April 27th, 2009


Seeing as how there are only 5 people who have accomplished this so far:
Wylo, wismty, life, Varien, & Fleshlight
I decided it's a good time to go for it myself. Seeing as how I have every other possible achievement at this time, why not give it a shot, right? :D

So here we go on 4/26 to start the wild ride that is Brutal on Alkie Kong 2!

I'll be updating this whenever I attempt new crap on it. I'm also using a different technique to practice the levels than wismty.. I think.

I'm hoping to get the achievement in 3 days but we'll see if I can actually pull that off. It's actually very poor timing for me to start this seeing as how it's week 8 and I'm on a 10 week quarter system at RIT.. and this is like hell week. All the second midterms are this week along with papers so we'll see if I even have any time to do this at all.

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Startin her up at around 10 PM without any trouble from the first 3 levels at all, a little trouble on 4 a few times with bats and barely any problems with 5. 6 Is a pain but I figured it out so far and can get past it without getting hurt. Level 7 was also a pain with the 2 molties but I practiced jumping them for a good ten minutes and passed easily.

So I'm ending this on a rather good note for the first day with levels 1-9 done flawlessly by 3:30 in the morning. (I only ended up playing this game for probably an hour and a half of those 5 hours though) Can't wait til tomorrow.. kind of.. :P

I forgot to update this today but ya I haven't worked on it at all today. Had a midterm today, have another tomorrow I've been studying for, and also a paper due tomorrow that I have to still do right now. So ya, I don't have anything Wednesday though so hopefully I'll be able to give it another go tomorrow night.

4/28 - 5/4
Still haven't worked on it at all yet.. Which basically makes everything I did like 4 days ago worthless. My last midterm this week is tomorrow (today technically), so I'll be able to go for it tomorrow night maybe. If not, there's always the weekend. Yay... I doubt anyone is reading this anyways.. hmmm.. Hey if you are reading this comment something. Haha I want to know if anyone out there is actually legit checking this.. at all.. Maybe if I stay high up in the medals ranks and people start looking at my news thingy more often I'll start doing fun things in it? Probably not.. but comment anyways! :D

Still not doing anything for it. I'll beat the Epic Battle Fantasy on Epic before I do that, obviously. In any case, it's definitely looking to be put on hold for another 2 weeks. Hopefully no one else will get it by then so I can at least have some victory by being in the top 10 firsts to get it. Haha

Again, not doing anything for it. Finishing up Doom Triple Pack, which I've finally gotten enough time to play now. Just gotta start Heretic and see where that takes me. This is my last week of classes starting tomorrow, then finals next week, so after that maybe I'll get some work done on DD. But chances are still slim, I probably won't have enough time to sit around and play games on my computer because most of my friends are already back in town and I've got some summer drinking to do before one of them leaves early June. Then I have my girlfriend's brother's wedding on like the 13th. So I'll be busy with that for like 3 days before and a day after I guess.

Damn yo I forgot about this. Still not doing it right now. Haha

For anyone actually reading this (doubtful) you must be really bored. Haha


Attempting Drunken Deity (DELAYED)

Posted by Caraboo - May 11th, 2008

Ok well to start, a few years ago I found flash and I used to be really into it but never made anything big. So I have a huge folder with a bunch of small useless crap that I can't do anything with. Anyways, this is the first time I actually made something in a fashion that I could submit it to Newgrounds.

Well I made it last night at 2 AM because I didn't buy my mom a card for Mother's Day so I worked on this and made it in about an hour.
Here's the result: Happy Mother's Day

Oh and I doubt this means anything to anyone reading this... if there is anyone... I'm working on something that I just thought of. And the idea is really good so it might cancel out my subpar animating abilities. lol

Thanks for reading! :D

Mother's Day