View Profile Caraboo

Ryan Caraboolad @Caraboo

Age 34, Male


Cleveland, OH

Joined on 3/10/05

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17,830 / 18,660
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Petition To Remove Broken Medals From NG's Medal System

Posted by Caraboo - August 2nd, 2009


This petition is aimed towards the exclusion of currently BROKEN, GLITCHED, AND UNACHIEVABLE medals from the medal system on Newgrounds.

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To sign this petition simply make a comment below saying "yes", or "agreed", or something similar to that.
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NOTE: Please do not make any comments on this petition unless you are in some way "signing" it with some sort of agreeance. I also ask that you don't state specific medals or games or problems. PM those to ME please. If anything should be posted that does not abide by these guidelines I will delete your post and inform you that I have done so. Thank you for cooperating.

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Achievements for the xBox 360 don't have errors. They aren't glitched when they get sent through. And when they are, they immediately get fixed! Why should Newgrounds' Medal System be any different? It shouldn't. The authors using the Medal API need to fully test and debug their games before submitting them to The Portal. We should not have to tear our hair out attempting to get a broken medal that is either impossible to get, or requires excessive work to achieve after having already accomplished the author given description for attaining said medal.

The medals for Fear Unlimited Issue 2 (Artist: Dizimz) were revoked after the author couldn't get the medal fixes to work. Other games that have failed to fix their medals should have the medals for that game disabled or at least the specific broken medal(s) removed from the site until the author has fixed it as well.

One game, Seed Of Destruction, has every medal glitched. The controversial Literate/Illiterate medals "One Time" opportunity programming leaked onto the other medals as well, making it impossible to get any of the medals a second time if the first time achieving it failed to register on Newgrounds. This has caused a lot of problems for people who have spazzy internet connections, making it impossible for them to get some of the medals they deserve.


There are some respectful, caring, and goodhearted authors out there applying medals to their games, though. Although sometimes the medals might be glitched or broken, these authors care enough to immediately commence debugging so that their game runs flawlessly and their supporters are happy. These are some examples of authors and their games that had glitches but we're fixed as soon as possible so that the medals work properly:

Skribble-Style - Barbarian Bob [Remake]
GP-studios - Bunny Invasion: Easter
BoMToons - Castle Crashing the Beard
Xeptic - D-Day Defender
NegativeONE - Newgrounds Rumble
Luka - Runes Of Shalak
megadev - Knightfall 2
Kevin - Stamper's Quest For Fags
PrettyMuchBryce - Glass Fish Rhythm
Luis & BoMToons - Portal Defenders
PsyFlash - Revert To Growth
EpicShadow - Tower of Greed


What we want is for the authors of games with currently broken medals to fix them as soon as possible, as the aforementioned artists did, instead of having them ignore our pleas and requests. The following are games, their authors, and their broken medals.

BarfQuestion - Seed Of Destruction
(All medals glitched: Only possible to attain once)
ArtLogicGames - Epic War 3
- 4Musketeer
(All 4 medals currently broken)
- Foreclosure
- Whoops
- Hardclass
- Woots
Pacdude - Drop the Bomb (Medals)
- Someone Set Us Up The Bomb
- Bomb Squad (Glitchy: 10 Bomb Round questions required instead of the 3 Bomb Rounds as stated - DigDogy)
xdragonx10 - Medieval Rampage
(All 9 medals currently glitched but still attainable)
(Any medals already achieved on a computer will automatically be given to any other account logged in on that specific computer as soon as the game begins)
- First Kill
- Tenth Kill
- First Boss
- Second Boss
- Third Boss
- Fourth Boss
- Fifth Boss
- 75 Achievements
- 100 Achievements
aeiowu - Fig. 8
- Professional
Bluebaby - Time Fcuk
(The 3 voting medals are glitched and require an unknown amount for each instead of 3, 33, and 333 as stated in the medal descriptions)
- Opinionated
- Obsessed
- 0)))
xdragonx10 - Medieval Rampage 2
- All Achievements (Unachievable due to glitches with in-game achievements)
Weasel - Hover Bot Arena 2
(Can't see them on page but they are all achievable although sometimes they do not register the first time around)
Dizimz - Fear Unlimited Issue2
- Demon Master (Some people have this but it is unknown how. It's always before the M4 Untouchable medal though)
- Victory
JAZZA - the Kill Kar II: Revenge
- Kustomized


It would also be very strongly appreciated if "RESEND" buttons we're mandatory in all games with medals. matt-likes-swords was the first person to do this to ensure that all medals that were gotten in game could be resent to register if they did not register the first time they were sent. This would prevent the problem of people having to re-achieve medals because of an internet connection problem, a problem with the Newgrounds server, or whatever else may cause a medal to fail registration.

Along with the "RESEND" option, it would also be a good idea to have a mandatory testing stage for all games that wish to be submitted with medals, as well as other testing phases before updates for these games get released as well. The majority of the currently broken medals are due to updates, such as SHIFT 4, Seed Of Destruction, and Runes Of Shalak, however, there are also games that start off with problems with their medals, as you can see in the list of fixed medal games. We could prevent all medal problems by submitting them through a testing stage. A handpicked specialized team of top medal getters would be the perfect way to solve this problem.

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Hey if we get enough signatures we can submit it to PsychoGoldfish or Tom Fulp or whoever to solve the problem, so sign away! It can't hurt, right?

Apr. 3, 2011 | 6:44 PM





Fucking do it!


I agree! I won't play Epic War 3 till they fix the medal!

do it. you have my support.

Agreed! Drop the bomb should also be added for failure of fixing the glitches in the game too. Also, medal descriptions being wrong or not working half the time.

Drop The Bomb: (Game Currently Broken)

I definitely agree, although PsychoGoldfish might be a barrier to prevent as many broken medals as there might be without him... We might need a petition like this, if only to bring attention to the situation at the very least.

I love to see the broken medals get yanked just as much as anyone, however petitions seem to rarely work on the internet, due to the fact they can be ignored so easily it's unbelievable.
However on the off-chance the Newgrounds admins in charge of the medal system are so kick-ass they actually read this, I'd like to agree as well.

You forgot about the "non-broken" I AM LITERATE and I AM ILLITERATE medals on Seed Of Destruction. Every other review I've seen mentions that, and I hate that too.

So ya, I'm signing.



Hand raised! Agreed!

:I'm not sure i would agree with those that would like to see literate/illiterate removed. But I do think it's BS that I get less points because i am capable of learning to play as I go and don't need tutorials.
Also Drop the Bomb medal - "Someone Set Us Up With The Bomb" is broken, I have accomplished three bombs in a row 10+ times and 3 of them were for sure the first three spins. Not only was there no pop-up in game, But I have never experienced a problem with not recieving working medals either.

100% Agree. Plus I hope they implement a testing environment for medal games. Which must be passed before the submission can be added.

This NEEDS to be done. I hate trying to earn medals that can't be earned.



Worth a shot.
So yeh.

Agreed. While the medal system itself isn't exactly perfect, if a specific medal isn't working properly, then it should be either fixed or removed. While such medals usually don't have any negative impact on gameplay, they are misleading and can cause much frustration for those who unwittingly attempt to obtain them.



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